Authors are encouraged to submit reports of their scientific work for inclusion in the abstract book. The deadline for submission is 15 September, 2024, meaning we are at present accepting submissions.
Please inquire (contacts) before submission and registration if there are still places available, since the number of participants may have already reached the maximum permissible number!
Abstracts must be written in English and should be prepared and submitted following these instructions. Depending on the overall contents of all contributions the scientific committee will select a number of contributions for presentation. Authors will be notified of their abstracts for presentation and provided with instructions for preparing their presentation after October 10, 2024.
Download the Abstract Template (docx) and prepare your abstract using the template. When writing / preparing your manuscript, please adhere to the instructions available in this PDF document.
Once you have prepared your manuscript using the DOCX template, please submit your abstract using the form below.
Manuscript file(s) will be used for the on line publication of the Proceedings. Please supply your manuscript in the form of a Microsoft Word (*.DOCX) file (that you downloaded in step 1, i.e. the template). Name the file by the first author’s last name, e.g. “doe.doc” for John Doe. Please avoid using characters that are not from English alphabet (except Greek math symbols).
Figures should be included in the manuscipt, but also uploaded as separate files to ensure we receive them in their original and highest quality. Please try to use Graphics Interchange Format (GIF), Portable Network Graphics (PNG) or Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPG or JPEG) formats for supplying your figures and equations. Use one file per figure or equation. Note that you can upload all figures in one step by choosing multiple files in the form upload file select below.